American Baptist Churches USA

We believe the Spirit of God has led us to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.

On profession of faith, we have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We enter into covenant as one body of Christ with God, the Father as out witness.

We commit ourselves to work together in Christian love by the help of the Holy Spirit

to advance the church in knowledge, holiness and comfort

to promote its spirituality and prosperity

to sustain its worship, ordinances, doctrines and discipleship

to contribute our tithes and offerings cheerfully and regularly in support of the ministry, church expenses, welfare of the poor and the spreading of the Gospel through missions.

We commit ourselves to spend time daily in family and personal Bible reading and prayer, to educate our children in our faith; to seek salvation of our family, friends and neighbors, to live properly as good examples in our area of the world, to avoid any and all kinds of substance abuse; to be honest in our dealings and faithful in our responsibilities.

We commit ourselves to courtesy in speech, avoiding gossip and controlled anger, willing to forgive and ask for forgiveness, always ready for reconciliation.

Further, we commit ourselves to advance the Kingdom of God with zeal, to watch over one another in Christian love, to remember each other in prayer, to help each other in sickness and distress and to practice Christian compassion.